What we do

At RECOFTC, we help countries and communities achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for poverty, hunger, environment, climate change and gender. We are the trusted broker in the Asia-Pacific, bridging gaps among communities, countries and international organizations and alliances such as ASEAN. We build capacity of all and transform conflict into collaboration. Our entry point to sustainable development and climate change solutions is community forestry.
More than five million people participate in community forestry in Asia and the Pacific. They manage 15 million hectares of forest, an area the size of Cambodia. At RECOFTC, through community forestry we:
- Ensure the land and resource rights of local people are protected, exercised and compensated through collaborative landscape management
- Ensure women and men, youth, Indigenous Peoples and marginalized groups have the skills and experience to manage their forests
- Promote good governance and meaningful participation in decision-making
- Help governments and institutions adopt and practice rights-based approaches
- Help local people access resources, find affordable legal and protection services, and understand and use grievance mechanisms
- Help countries and communities mitigate and adapt to climate change
- Help communities preserve traditional livelihood mechanisms
- Increase the economic value of forest landscapes for local people through sustainable investment and community-based enterprises
- Develop partnership among communities, responsible investors and private sector companies
- Develop feasible business models with social safeguards
- Empower women's leadership and entrepreneurship
- Build regional, national and local multi-stakeholder platforms and facilitate learning, forums, events and networks
- Develop, implement and support communication and advocacy initiatives
RECOFTC works throughout the Asia-Pacific. We have a main office in Bangkok and offices in seven countries.