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Onward and upward: Our strategic goals for the next five years

RECOFTC takes a long-term, landscape-based and inclusive approach to supporting local communities to secure their land and resource rights, stop deforestation, find alternative livelihoods and foster gender equality.

RECOFTC’s new Strategic Plan for 2023–2028 presents our updated vision — a world where resilient communities with respected rights thrive in forest landscapes that they manage sustainably and equitably. For the next five years we will work to strengthen capacities, rights and governance to ensure that local people can maintain and benefit fairly and equitably from sustainable forest landscapes.

We will work towards four interlinked goals related to climate change adaptation and mitigation, gender equality and social inclusion, governance and rights, and benefits to communities.

Mutually reinforcing strategies will help us achieve our goals. We will empower communities to become key players in climate change adaptation and mitigation through sustainable forest management. We will continue to implement community-based forest management practices that increase local resilience and secure ecosystem services at the landscape level.

Our strategy also focuses on securing rights and fostering inclusive governance. We will address gaps in legal frameworks and advocate for multistakeholder participation, empowering marginalized groups to assert their rights and engage in decision-making processes. By promoting good governance principles, we aim to ensure that communities, governments, and businesses respect and protect community rights.

Supporting the growth of forest-based enterprises is another crucial aspect of our mission. We will enable communities to manage and profit from enterprises selling forest products and services, facilitating equitable partnerships with value chain actors.

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We will focus on improving, replicating and scaling up sustainable business models and community forest credit schemes that have proved effective. By promoting accountability and fair benefit distribution, we aim to integrate communities into the low-carbon green economy.

Securing finance for forest landscapes is another priority. We will encourage investments in inclusive and sustainable management practices and support communities to manage finance effectively.

Across all our work, we will continue to generate and communicate evidence of the benefits and practicalities of inclusive and sustainable forest landscape management and restoration.

Achieving our goals will contribute to the overall impact we want to see, which is that: resilient communities sustainably and equitably manage forest landscapes in collaboration with other stakeholders, ensuring that these landscapes provide goods and services that benefit all community members and wider populations, including by contributing to climate action and biodiversity conservation.

We invite allies, old and new, to join us as we implement this new Strategic Plan.