

Our sponsors


Our project donors, partners and networks


77 kaoded, Thailand 



Action for Development, Cambodia 

Advancing Life and Regenerating Motherland - ALARM 

Agriculture extension office, Santisuk District, Thailand 

Agro-Forestry Development Consultant, Lao PDR   

APRIL Group, Indonesia

Artha Wacana Christian University 

ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change, Indonesia  

Ashden-Climate Change Charity 

Asian Venture Philanthropy Network 

AXA Thailand General Insurance, Thailand 


Badan Registrasi Wilayah Adat, Indonesia 

Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperative, Thailand 

Blogger “Baan ayu nan”, Thailand  

Breath Council, Thailand 


Cambodia Development Resource Institute  

Cambodian Disabled People's Organization 

Centre for Development and Environment, Myanmar 

Centre for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement Research and Development 

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR-ICRAF) 

Change Fusion, Thailand 

Chulalongkorn University, Thailand 

ClearWind PTE LTD

Community Association for Knowledge in Development, Lao PDR 

Community Forest Management Office at Royal Forest Department, Thailand 

Community Organization Development Institute, Thailand 

Conflict Sensitive Training, Cambodia 

Cooperation for Development of Cambodia 

Cooperative Office, Nan, Thailand 

Culture and Environment Preservation Association, Cambodia



Deesawat Industries Co.,Ltd., Thailand 

Department of Forestry Inspection, Lao PDR 

Department of Forestry, Lao PDR  

Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration  

Development Alternatives, Inc. 

Development and Partnership in Action, Cambodia 

District  Office of Agriculture and Forestry, Xebangfai, Lao PDR 

District Office of Agriculture and Forestry, Hinboun, Lao PDR 

District Office of Agriculture and Forestry, Houayxai, Lao PDR 

District Office of Agriculture and Forestry, Nakai, Lao PDR 

District Office of Agriculture and Forestry, Paktha, Lao PDR  

District Office of Agriculture and Forestry, Phiang, Lao PDR  

District Office of Agriculture and Forestry, Xayaboury, Lao PDR 

District Office of Agriculture Land Management, Hinboun, Lao PDR 

District Office of Agriculture Land Management, Xebangfai, Lao PDR 

Division for Advancement of Women, Lao PDR 

Dr. Sup Clinic, Thailand 

Duc Phong Co. Ltd, Viet Nam 


European Forest Institute 

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Female Foresters Network, Nepal 

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 

Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, Lao PDR

Forest Department, Myanmar

Forest Resource Studies and Action Team, Nepal 

Forest Resources Management Office 3, Phrae branch, Thailand 

Forestry Training Centre (Balai Diklat LHK Rumpin), Bogor, Indonesia 

Forestry Training Centre (Balai Diklat LHK Rumpin), Kadipaten, Indonesia 

Forestry Training Centre (Balai Diklat LHK Rumpin), Kupang, Indonesia  

Forum Komunikasi Kehutanan Masyarakat, Indonesia 

ForumCIV, Cambodia 

Friends of Wildlife, Myanmar 


Gender Equality Network, Myanmar 

Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Centre (Northern region), Thailand 

German Thai Chamber of Commerce 

Grameen Swyamsewak Samaj, Nepal 

Green Network, Myanmar 


Hasanuddin University, Indonesia 

Highland Research and Fevelopment Institute, Thailand 

Huean Hung Tor Café, Thailand 

Hug Muang Nan Foundation, Thailand

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Ibn Khaldun Bogor University, Indonesia 

Indonesian Institute for Forest and Environment

Inntha Literature, Culture and Regional Development Organization, Myanmar

International Institute for Environment and Development, Nepal 

International Institute for Environment and Development, Indonesia 

International Training Center of the ILO 

International Tropical Agriculture 

International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)

Program, Kasetsart University, Thailand 

IPB University, Indonesia 

International Union for Conservation of Nature, Cambodia

International Union for Conservation of Nature, Thailand



Japan International Cooperation Agency Sustainable Forest Management and REDD+ 

Jaringan Kerja Pemetaan Partisipatif, Indonesia 


Kachin Conservation Working Group, Myanmar 

Kasetsart University, Thailand 

KEMITRAAN, Indonesia 

KKI Warsi, Indonesia 

Komchadluek, Thailand  

Koperasi Akar Tani, Indonesia 

Koperasi Klasik Beans, Indonesia 

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Koperasi Tani Bhontaink, Indonesia  

Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, Germany 


Lao Biodiversity Association

Land Department, Nan, Thailand 

Land Equity International Pty Limited (LEI)

Land Information Working Group, Lao PDR 


Local Development Institute, Thailand 

Love Frankie, Thailand


Mae Ying Houmchai Pattana, Lao PDR 

Management Boad for Forestry Project, Viet Nam 

Mekong Region Land Governance 

Merdeka Madiun University, Indonesia 

Merdeka Madiun University, Indonesia 

Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, Cambodia 

Ministry of Environment, Cambodia 

Ministry of Forest and Environment, Nepal 

Ministry of Natural and Environmental Resources, Thailand 

Minstry of Woman Affairs, Cambodia 

My Village, Cambodia 

Myaing Kan Kaung CFUGs Network, Myanmar 

Myanmar Environment Rehabilitation-Conservation Network 

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Myanmar Forest Association 


Nan Community College, Thailand 

Nan Conservation Club, Thailand 

Nan Province Mass Media Association, Thailand 

Nan Public Radio, FM 94.75, Thailand 

Nan Tourism Group, Thailand  

Nan Tourism Industry Council 

Nara Kopi, Indonesia 

NatureLife, Cambodia 

Nestlé Indonesia

Newstv13siamthai, Thailand 

Nghe An Forest Protection and Development Fund, Viet Nam 

NGO Forum on Cambodia 

Non-Timber Forest Products-Exchange Program 





PanNature, Viet Nam 

PANORAMA Solutions 

Parami Development Network, Myanmar 

PARARA, Indonesia 

Peace Conservation Group, Thailand 

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Peck Palitchok’s Fanclub, Thailand 

People, Energy and Environment Development Association, Nepal 

Perkumpulan Hukum dan Masyarakat, Indonesia  

PKH – People and Knowledge of Highlander, Cambodia 

Prize of Wood Co., Ltd., Thailand 

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification 

Protected Area Regional Office 13, Phrae, Thailand 

Provincial Office of Agriculture and Forestry, Bokeo, Lao PDR 

Provincial Office of Agriculture and Forestry, Xayaboury, Lao PDR   

Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Environment Nan, Thailand 

Provincial People's Committee, Hoa Binh, Viet Nam 

Provincial People's Committee, Lao Cai, Viet Nam 

Provincial People's Committee, Nghe An, Viet Nam

Provincial People's Committee, Quang Nam, Viet Nam 

Provincial People's Committee, Quang Tri, Viet Nam 

Provincial People's Committee, Son La, Viet Nam 

Provincial People's Committee, Thanh Hoa, Viet Nam 

PT Beragam, Indonesia 

Pundi Sumatera, Indonesia 

Pusat Kajian Etnografi Komunitas Adat,Indonesia 

Pusat Penyuluhan, Indonesia 

Pusdiklat SDM LHK, Indonesia 

Puslatmas dan PGL, Indonesia 

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Rain Forest Journalism Fund of the Pulitzer Center 

Rainforest Alliance 

Raksthai Foundation, Thailand 

Rights and Resources Initiative

Royal Forest Department, Thailand 


Samdhana Institute 

Sanae Nan Today, Thailand 

Sansom Mlup Prey, Cambodia 

Santisuk District Office, Thailand 

Sasidara Resort, Thailand 

Sea Thailand 

Sebelas Maret Surakarta University, Indonesia 

Seub Nakhasathien Foundation, Thailand 

SHE Investments, Cambodia

Singthoun Wood Processing Factory, Bokeo, Lao PDR 

SMK Kehutanan Negeri Pekanbaru, Indonesia 

SMK Kehutanan Negeri Samarinda, Indonesia 

SNS Import-Export Co. Ltd, Lao PDR  

SSS Pundi, Indonesia 

Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Du Phong, Thailand 

Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Paleaw Luang, Thailand 

Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Phong, Thailand 

Sulawesi Community Foundation, Indonesia 

Sustainable Development Foundation, Thailand 

Taejai, Thailand 

Tangjitnusorn Sales and Service, Thailand 

Tanintharyi Scaling Up Communtiy Forestry Network, Myanmar 

Tellscore, Thailand 

TempoMedia, Indonesia 

Thai Climate Justice for All, Thailand 

Thai Ecotourism and Adventurous Travel Association (TEATA) 

Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TUAF), Vietnam National University of Forestry 

Thailand istitute of Scitific and Technology Research  

The Family Tree, Thailand 

Ton Nan Creation, Thailand 

Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) 


UN Environment Programme 

United Nation Deveopment Program

United Nations Global Compact 

United Stated Forest Services 

University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University 

University of Economics, Hue University 

University of Jambi, Indonesia 

University of Science, Vietnam National University 

University of the Philippine Los Banos 

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Value Network Ventures Advisory Services Pte. Ltd (VNV)

Vietnam Administration of Forestry, Viet Nam   

Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences  

Vinh University, Viet Nam 

VNV Advisory, Indonesia 


Walailak University, Thailand 

Wildlife Conservation Society 

Wildlife Works 

Winrock International 

Women Media Center, Cambodia 

Women’s Union Chau Hanh Commune, Viet Nam  

Women’s Union Chau Thang Commune, Viet Nam  

Women’s Union Dong Van Commune, Viet Nam 

Women’s Union Thong Thu Commune, Viet Nam

World Research Institute 

World Wide Fund for Nature-Myanmar 

World Wide Fund For Nature-Vietnam 

World Wild Fund for Nature, Cambodia 

World Wild Fund for Nature, Lao

Wyss Academy for Nature 

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Yale University

Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, Indonesia 

Yephyu Township Community Forestry Network, Myanmar