It was a historic year for Nepal in 2017. And I happened to be in the country conducting community consultations on community forestry. More than...
Notes from the Field
Forest degradation is the second highest contributor to climate change after fossil fuel burning. Forests, the world carbon storehouse, can support...
Practitioner's Insights
Climate change was a key focus of this year’s World Economic Forum annual meeting, held in Davos, Switzerland from 21—24 January. The 2020 theme,...
Talk of the Forest
WAVES - Weaving leadership for gender equality is a RECOFTC-led initiative that promotes gender leadership in natural resource management across...
Talk of the Forest
In Cambodia it is common to hear only men speak about forests and natural resource management. That’s because for generations, forestry institutions...
Notes from the Field
There is an old Japanese proverb that has reverberated in my head since childhood. “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down,” underlies a common...
Practitioner's Insights
Educating the next generation of natural resource professionals and policymakers in climate change is an investment in the future, especially in the...
Talk of the Forest
In Thbong Kropue district, Cambodia, near one of Southeast Asia’s most important wildlife hotspots, Prey Lang Landscape, a commune chief has...
Dramatic forest degradation and loss in the Greater Mekong region have both their causes and potential solutions rooted in forest governance,...