Stories of Change
Indigenous peoples and others filled the room yesterday afternoon for a Tebtebba side event on indigenous sensitive options for mitigation and...
Stories of Change
We know there's no shortage to the amount of news covering the events in Copenhagen. To give you the Asia-Pacific perspective, Covering Copenhagen...
Stories of Change
According to an article in the Guardian yesterday, we are all in disarray, here in Copenhagen. This certainly comes as news to me. There is no...
Stories of Change
In the Asia-Pacific region, experiences with a small number of REDD pilot projects are demonstrating troubling trends: consent of local and...
Stories of Change
Registration to the conference for non-government delegates opened at 12:00 yesterday, after the opening ceremony had been safely negotiated. I...
Stories of Change
Papua New Guinea plays a central role in the ongoing saga of REDD. As a founding member of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations and the instigator,...
Stories of Change
A certain apocalyptic Hollywood blockbuster doing the rounds at cinemas worldwide promises, once again, to scare us out of our wits with the threat...
Stories of Change
About 450 million people live in and around Asia-Pacific forests. They hold a vital stake in the success of REDD. To ensure that local people work...
Stories of Change
"You can see the political momentum building almost daily, " said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in a recent statement expressing his optimism for...