Implications of the EUDR on smallholders

Fast Facts

Fast fact image - 5.3 Million People
Fast fact image - 5.3 Million People

नयाँ सूचना

28 Jun 2024
1 June 2024 marked the 44th celebration of National Arbor Day in Lao PDR. In Bokeo Province, RECOFTC Lao PDR participated in national planting...
30 May 2024
Green spaces, including well-maintained trees and vegetation, are vital for creating beautiful, livable, and environmentally friendly cities. They...

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नयाँ सिकाइहरु

Talk of the Forest
The true value of forests in Southeast Asia is multilayered and multifaceted. From 30 to 31 May 2024, close to 60 participants from Cambodia, Lao...
In Focus
The European Union (EU) will start applying the EU Regulation on Deforestation-free Products (EUDR) on 30 December 2024. The regulation aims to...

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