जानकारी - रिकफ

Engage with Us

For over 30 years, RECOFTC has been engaging with a diverse set of stakeholders to increase the capacities of local communities to manage their forests.

But with a new landscape approach, RECOFTC is expanding its field of engagement to include the general public, understanding that the actions promoted both in the cities and rural areas directly impact the livelihoods of us all. 

So #engagewithus now!



Give2AsiaRECOFTC is now partnering with Give2Asia, an international non-profit that serves as a strategic partner and ally working on the ground in more than 25 locations in the Asia-Pacific. RECOFTC and Give2Asia will work together to ensure funds are provided to those local communities who are at the forefront of climate change mitigation and adaptation. 

Join the movement now! Please visit our website on


Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN)

AVPN logoRECOFTC has become a member of AVPN, a unique funders' network based in Singapore committed to building high impact social investment community across Asia. With 500 members across 32 countries, AVPN connects and empowers key stakeholders from funders to the social purpose organisations they support. Using the AVPN platform, RECOFTC will be able to reach new players in the private, public and social sectors for funding and partnership opportunities to address challenges facing local communities today and in the future.
Please visit our website on


Equivalency Determination

Ed BadgeRECOFTC is certified by NGOsource as equivalent to a U.S. public charity under the International Revenue Service's Equivalency Determination standards.