Regional Inception Workshop Marks the Start of FLOURISH

Between 16 - 18 August 2018, RECOFTC organized a regional inception workshop in Nan province, Thailand to kick off the regional BMU-IKI funded project FLOURISH- “Production-driven forest landscape restoration under REDD+ through private sector – community partnerships as Asian regional learning exchange”.
We are pleased to have government representatives from Lao PDR, Thailand, Vietnam, as well as international partners--International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (Beijing, China) and Dresden University (Germany) attend the event. During the workshop, the project teams unpacked the various key elements of the project and developed an action plan to implement the project in three landscapes - Luang Brapang, Xayaburi, Bokeo (Lao PDR), Nan province (Thailand) and Nghe An province (Viet Nam).
The regional inception workshop will be followed up by national inception workshops in each of the three project countries.
We would like to acknowledge the support provided by the Thai Royal Forest Department and Tree Bank community in Nan province, who hosted us at their forest landscape restoration (FLR) field site in Sathisuk district and provided useful insights about ongoing FLR initiatives.
RECOFTC looks forward to strengthening collaboration with local stakeholders and FLR engagement in the project landscapes through FLOURISH project.