Our Board of Trustees

Nur Masripatin (Chair, since 2020)
to the Minister of Environment and Forestry on Climate Change and International Conventions

Chea Sam Ang
Director of Cambodia Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, REDD, Ministry of Environment, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Carsten H.A. Stoehr
Chief Executive Officer Greater China and Head of Asia Pacific Strategic Products
Credit Suisse
Hong Kong

Ivar Thorkild Jørgensen
Department for Climate, Energy, Environment and Research, Section for Climate, Forests and Green Economy, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

Katherine Warner (Vice-Chair)
Sustainability Research Centre
University of the Sunshine Coast

Nguyen Ba Ngai
Vietnam Forest Owners Association (VIFORA)
Viet Nam

Grace Wong
Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University

Kun Zhang
China National Forestry-Grassland Economics and Development Research Centre, National Forestry and Grassland Administration

Kobsak Wanthongchai
Kasetsart University

David Ganz (Non-voting Member)
Bangkok, Thailand