Câu chuyện
Stories of Change
Why this book? Are stakeholders in natural resource management sufficiently adaptive and collaborative in addressing the issues of equity,...
Stories of Change
The women proudly show off the now verdant forest surrounding the Chapini River. As one of the few female-led community forestry user groups (CFUGs)...
Stories of Change
If the global climate change discussions continue to stall, is there scope for a region to go it alone? The geopolitical shift in power towards Asia...
Stories of Change
Today, RECOFTC, with financial and advisory support from UNEP/UN-REDD, launches the full set of four country reports for a regional assessment of the...
Stories of Change
RECOFTC staff attended the Editorial Workshop for the upcoming IUFRO-WFSE book Forests Under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues, set for...
Stories of Change
Nearly every day we are confronted with exposés, investigative reports or protests about natural resource developments going ahead without the...
Stories of Change
A recent article in The Nation reports that “activists and experts” have called on the Thai government to “remove” as many as two million people from...
Stories of Change
This year's World Environment Day theme is "Green Economy: Does it include you?" The below video, from ANSAB's YouTube channel, highlights the...
Stories of Change
Attendees at RECOFTC's first Policy Dialogue on Forest and Land Tenure Review and Reform agreed on the urgent need for policy reforms to ensure fair...