RECOFTC Indonesia

Workshop on Forest Tenurial Reform in Indonesia

RECOFTC and partners held a Tenurial Workshop with the theme "Forest Tenurial Reform in Indonesia: Learning From the Past, Designing for the Future" located in Jakarta, 22 November 2018. This activity is part of activities with ASEAN Working Group on Social Forestry (AWG-SF) and the ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC) in Indonesia supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The workshop presented keynote speakers and participants from experts and practitioners on tenure issues in Indonesia from both government officials and non-government, such as NGOs and academics (universities). The workshop was opened by the Director General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Dr. Ir. Bambang Supriyanto, M.Sc. He conveyed about the development of conditions, efforts, and achievements regarding the Social Forestry in Indonesia.

The keynote speakers from MoEF are Director of Social Forestry Area Preparation (Ir. Erna Rosdiana, M.Sc); Head of Forestry Extension Center (Ir. Mariana Lubis, M.M); Director of the Plan for Use and Establishment of Forest Management Areas represented by Mr. Sigit Nugroho. The non-governmental keynote persons were also presented are Prof. Supratman from Hassanudin University Makassar; Mr. Hasbi Berliani from the Partnership for Government Reform, and Ms. Dahniar Andriani from HuMa. The discussion was also facilitated by expert facilitators in the tenure field, Mr. Yando Zakaria from the RAPS (Agrarian Reform and Social Forestry) National Secretariat, Mr. Suwito from the Partnership, and Ms. Emila Widawati from WG Tenure. 

The workshop aims to analyze the obstacles and challenges in implementing forest tenure reform through social forestry  and agrarian reform to meet inclusive and equitable development in Indonesia, especially towards the end of the RPJMN (National Midterm Development Plan) year 2014-2019  and the start of the preparation of the RPJMN 2019-2024. The results of this workshop are expected to be a recommendation for the implementation of forest tenure reform in the preparation of the new development plan 2019-2024.