04 Feb 2019
“Partnerships are about leveraging relationships and connections between people,” Jana Thuaud, Partnership and Resource Mobilization Officer of The...
01 Feb 2019
The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) have signed an updated agreement for The...
10 Jan 2019
Bangkok, Thailand -- Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand’s premier institution for agriculture and forestry, and The Center for People and Forests...
21 Dec 2018
From 17-18 December 2018, RECOFTC - Viet Nam Country Programme and Nghe An Forest Protection and Development Fund organize the National Inception...
28 Nov 2018
The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) in cooperation with the Department of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, is continuing to...
23 Nov 2018
Desmond Teh, a student at National Taiwan University, has been elected the new liaison officer (LO) for the International Forestry Students'...
19 Nov 2018
Since 2016, the PEFC General Assembly has been revising two important certification schemes, the Sustainable Forest Management and Group Forest...
02 Nov 2018
As one of Thailand’s most important watersheds and production areas for timber (particularly teak), Nan province is a vital site for achieving forest...
20 Oct 2018
In the process of contributing to improve forestry policies, civil society organizations have bridged local communities especially ethnic minorities...