The Royal Thai Government announced plans, in 2020, to increase the national tree cover to 55 percent by 2037. It is an ambitious target. Across the...
Stories of Change
In Viet Nam’s Nghe An Province, a forest landscape restoration initiative called FLOURISH works with the local government and local businesses to...
Notes from the Field
Sustainable timber production and harvesting on public land in Thailand is central to national efforts to promote economic forestry and achieve the...
Talk of the Forest
When Nong Thi Huong talks about what bamboo means to her and her ethnic Thai community in northern Viet Nam, she tells a tale of economic, ecological...
Notes from the Field
Building partnerships among forest communities, the private sector and the government in Lao PDR is challenging work. Witnessing the fruit of that...
Practitioner's Insights
To help explain what forest landscape restoration (FLR) is, why it matters and how to do it, RECOFTC has published a new guide for practitioners in...
The FLOURISH project (2018-2022), funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Government, held its first Steering-Committee...
Talk of the Forest
Contrary to what is often discussed on the surface, forest landscape restoration (FLR) is not simply about planting trees. And although global...