RECOFTC Cambodia
Helping rural Cambodians gain from strengthened rights over forests and fisheries

नयाँ सूचना

24 May 2023
The Partnership for Forest and Fisheries Communities (PaFF) has ended, having transformed the lives of thousands of rural Cambodians by supporting...
03 Nov 2022
Two new five-year ecotourism development plans will improve incomes in forest and fishery communities while contributing to sustainable resources...

रिकफ - नेपालको कार्यक्रमहरू

សណ្ឋាគារកំពង់ធំរ៉ូយ៉ាល់ ខេត្តកំពង់ធំ
សាលប្រជុំនៃមន្ទីរកសិកម្ម រុក្ខាប្រមាញ់ និងនេសាទ ខេត្តស្ទឹងត្រែង

नयाँ सिकाइहरु

Talk of the Forest
The strategy calls for more training to strengthen women’s confidence in contributing to the numerous management options, such as community forest...
Stories of Change
When a local businessman tried to seize part of the O’Plovlok community’s forest land in Cambodia’s Kampong Thom Province in January 2021, local...