RECOFTC Indonesia
Talk of the Forest
In the forests of Indonesia’s South Sulawesi, where small-scale farmers often struggle to make a living, 38-year-old Marni is thriving. She has a new...
Notes from the Field
The theme for this year's Fahutan UnHas Anniversary is "Managing innovative higher education and alumni who contribute towards achieving the...
Notes from the Field
Saraswati Aryal’s parents were never disappointed that they did not have a son. Despite the patriarchal nature of Nepali society, they were happy...
Forest and land fires in Indonesia are on the increase that often raise many questions. Why do fires continue to occur every year in various places...
Notes from the Field
Indonesia, a tropical country on the equator, experiences many natural disasters. Forest and land fires occur regularly every year, especially before...
Stories of Change
They are pioneers of community forestry: Officials who spent years strengthening lives and landscapes throughout Southeast Asia. Now these officials...
Tahun 2019, 11.732 hektar hutan di provinsi Jambi, Indonesia, terbakar. Berulangnya kasus kebakaran hutan setiap tahun tidak sesuai dengan pepatah,...
Notes from the Field
Forest and land fires happen regularly every year in Indonesia. Between January and September 2019, more than 857,000 hectares of forest and land had...
Practitioner's Insights
Perwakilan pejuang Program WAVES (Weaving Leadership for Gender Equality) di Indonesia bertemu di Jakarta, 18-19 September 2019 dalam lokakarya untuk...